Berkshire Skills Cabinet

The Berkshire Skills Cabinet updated its Berkshire Blueprint Priority Industries and Occupations in October 2022. Click here for the current chart. Bluerprint 2023

The Berkshire Skills Cabinet sets regional priorities for funding/initiatives and meets 3-4 times annually. Visit to view upcoming meetings and materials.

The Berkshire Workforce Blueprint 2020 has been approved by the Commonwealth. The final version can be downloaded below.  The Berkshire Regional Skills Team will continue to convene to discuss strategy implementation. Priority Industries/Occupations chart: Modified Chart (March 2020) 2020 Priority Industries chart 3-20

Original chart: Priority Industries Chart 10-19

Berkshire 2019 Data Package Update – Data Deck Final 10-19  As part of the Regional Workforce Skills Planning Initiative, the labor market data provided in this package will help the Berkshire Skills Cabinet confirm regional high priority industries and occupations and evaluate any new demographic, labor pool, and talent pipeline consideration impacting workforce skills gaps.

Modified Berkshire Workforce Blueprint (June 2019) Metrics revision proposed 4-29-19

Berkshire Priority Industry Asset Mapping (May 2019) Asset mapping 3-19

Goal 1: Align economic, workforce, and education systems to coordinate systems based on skill needs in regions.

The Governor has designated a new set of regional boundaries that roll up existing workforce development areas into a smaller set of regions. The new configuration organizes the 16 Workforce Investment Areas into 7 regions.

MA WIOA Workforce Development Regions

The purpose of the regional planning under the Workforce Skills Cabinet (WSC) and the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) is to use the same regional boundaries between economic development, workforce, education and key partners to identify business demand for skills, create regional strategies, and align existing resources to this process.   The goal is to ensure that regional employers, educators, economic development entities, regional planning organizations and workforce training officials are coordinated in a way that creates strong talent pipelines, for both middle-skilled and highly skilled jobs.  A Labor Market Blueprint with strategies will be developed as an end-product to this process.


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Want to learn about what our current industry initiatives? Learn more below.

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