The MassHire Berkshire Workforce Board is seeking comment on our Fiscal Year 2024 Workforce Development Business Plan for Berkshire County. This planning document articulates the region’s priorities and workforce development strategies and revisits the broad scope of how the Workforce Investment Act system will be coordinated with other systems providing employment and training services to improve services for both job seekers and employers.
For FY24, the Massachusetts Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development has not released the requirements as of 5/25/23, therefore, we are starting with the basic elements for the Local Plan to implement critical elements of WIOA. Planning for WIOA will be coordinated with other systems providing employment and training services to improve services for both job seekers and employers.
Our region’s workforce development priorities continue to have an emphasis on alignment with BWB goals and initiatives; alignment of program design with local labor market trends to create a demand-driven system; developing career pathways and industry sector strategies; continuous improvement of the One-Stop Career Center system as the primary vehicle for delivering services; integration of WIOA and non-WIOA systems and programs to enhance services for job seekers and employers; minimizing duplication; and improving performance and accountability. The local plan will include performance and participant planning forms and the budget for how funds will be allocated. The comprehensive plan can be found after June 27, 2023 on the BWB website
The Chief Elected Official and the BWB are seeking public comment on the proposed plan. Interested parties may submit written comments regarding this document to the BWB by June 26, 2023 in order to be included with the plan. All questions or comments should be directed to Heather Boulger at
Here is the draft plan: FY24 WIOA Exec Summary 6-23