Career Outlook 2019-2029 – Education level and projected openings
Perhaps you aspire to an associate’s degree, or you’re determined to get a doctorate. Or maybe you have no plans for formal education. Whatever your goal is, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) has data by education level that show which occupations are expected to have the most openings over the coming decade.
BLS makes long-term employment projections for nearly 800 detailed occupations. Each occupation is assigned to the education level that’s typically required for workers to enter. This article highlights 50 of the occupations that BLS projects to have the most openings each year, on average, from 2019 to 2029. These occupational openings are grouped by education level as follows:
No formal educational credential
High school diploma or equivalent
Associate’s degree; postsecondary nondegree award; and some college, no degree
Master’s, doctoral, and professional degrees
Across all occupations, BLS projects more than 17 million openings each year, on average, from 2019 to 2029. Openings arise from two sources: when new jobs are created from employment growth and when workers leave an occupation permanently, such as to transfer to another occupation or to retire.
For more information
Learn more about the occupations in this article and hundreds of others in the Occupational Outlook Handbook (OOH). The OOH has lots of detail, including what workers do and their pay, job outlook, and typical education requirements.