2022-2026 WIOA Strategic Plan – click here for link: Strategic Plan 2022-2026
2022-2025 WIOA Partners Memorandum of Understanding – Click here for the MOA MOU 2022-25 signatures 6-21
2023 Berkshire Workforce Blueprint – Compiled by the Berkshire Skills Cabinet in December 2023 with representatives from education, economic development, workforce development, private sector representatives and community leaders.
- Click here for the report 2024 Blueprint template 12-23
- Click here for the Blueprint 2024 Summary 2024 Blueprint summary 12-23
Mission Statement:
To develop partnerships, generate resources, and advocate for workforce solutions that result in a skilled workforce, prospering businesses, and equitable access to meaningful career pathways and quality employment for residents and youth.
Vision statement: Our vision is a thriving, inclusive, and resilient regional economy where businesses, residents and youth have equitable access to workforce development resources and to quality employment opportunities. We envision a better future for people, youth and businesses of Berkshire County through meaningful work and sustainable growth.
Diversity statement: As a leader in workforce development, Berkshire Workforce Board is committed to having Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion embedded into the programs and services we offer, reflected in the people we impact and our workplace culture. Our vision of a society where upward economic mobility is possible for all – cannot be accomplished alone, but through the collective efforts and support of our staff, partners, board members and the communities in which we live and serve.
Industry & Occupational Strategies: Berkshire Workforce Board helps employers build a competitive advantage by using data-driven, tailored grants designed to maximize impact with a focus on empowering diverse communities to solve their biggest workforce challenges. These programs aim to equip current and future generations with the tools they need to succeed in the marketplace by strategically investing in today’s most pressing workforce needs while creating a more equitable and accessible society. Incumbents and unemployed workers can each access the resources and networks they need to grow their career.
Youth Advancement Strategies: Berkshire Workforce Board creates opportunities for youth and young adults to define an early career trajectory and reach their highest potential. Through a mix of in-person, hybrid, and virtual work experiences, innovative programming, dynamic partnerships, and comprehensive work readiness training, we meet the emerging needs of employers and foster career exploration for participants. Our hands-on career readiness curriculum, combined with tangible outcomes, supports participants in gaining sustainable and fulfilling employment. Since 1992, the BCREB has strived to improve the core competencies and readiness of Berkshire youth (ages 14-21) to be successful workforce contributors. The BCREB prepares youth to be ready for college and careers by integrating career awareness, skills building and work readiness opportunities into school, out-of-school programs and work-based learning opportunities.
Workforce development is our business. The BCREB helps bridge the skills gap between labor market needs and the workforce through coordination of resources/services. We identify the gaps between employer needs in priority occupations and the supply of workers, and work to increase the capacity for adult literacy programs and career centers. The BCREB has a strong sector-based approach for addressing labor force challenges in the region and has received both state and federal recognition for our efforts. Since 2000, the BCREB has also chartered and overseen MassHire Berkshire Career Center (formerly known as BerkshireWorks) which assist the 32 Berkshire Communities.
In 2009 the BCREB was designated as a High Performing Workforce Board – a process that involved documenting systems and procedures that ensure effective leadership and service to companies and job seekers in the region, development of strong partnerships, creativity in solutions to complex workforce problems, and accountability over public resources.
Goal 1 – To be the recognized catalyst for innovative workforce development and Labor Market Resource in Berkshire County
Goal 2 – To improve core competencies and readiness of youth
Goal 3 – Align skills gap between labor market needs and the workforce
Goal 4 – To ensure continued success through evaluation and adherence to mandates
Goal 5 – Road to reemployment and recovery – Strategy for employers, career changers, job seekers and youth
Berkshire One-Stop Career Center Procurement FY25
Applications due November 15, 2024 by 12:00 PM (noon)
Issued: October 2, 2024
Berkshire County Regional Employment Board, Inc. (BCREB)
RFP #2024-01
The Berkshire County Regional Employment Board, Inc. (BCREB) doing business as the MassHire Berkshire Workforce Board and Chief Elected Official (CEO) are seeking proposals from experienced organizations to provide Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) services to include career center operations/services to adults, dislocated workers, and youth within the 32 County communities in the Berkshire Workforce Development Area. The provision of these services is to be funded by WIOA, Title I, Public Law 113-128, which began July 1, 2015 and is authorized as workforce law at the federal level. Services must, at minimum, include WIOA goals and reference to related shared partner services, and must be delivered in an integrated model. A copy of the WIOA regulations is available at https://www.doleta.gov/WIOA/
Workforce development organizations with or without previous experience as a contractor are encouraged to submit proposals. Services offered shall be delivered through a One Stop Delivery system that provides access to citizens across Berkshire County, while still maintaining a goal of operational efficiency and cost effectiveness.
The BCREB seeks to award a one year contract renewable for an additional three years, assuming satisfactory performance. All proposals must be submitted no later than 12:00 (noon) p.m. on Friday, November 15, 2024. A Bidders Conference will be held virtually on October 24, 2024 at 10am by registering at https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEvceypqDMpH9Xxc3DaQnWljCbo3ubSCKdJ
All relevant RFP materials will be available online or by appointment for in-person. The answers to technical questions raised in the Bidders Conference or emailed to Heather@MassHireBerkshire.com by that date will be posted on the https://www.masshireberkshire.com website.
FY2025 RFP – RFP One Stop 10-24
FY2025 RFP Budget – RFP Budget form 2024
Added 10/24/24: Bidder’s Conference Recording: 10/24/24 Bidder’s Conference Recording
A mandatory Letter of Intent to Bid is due Friday, November 1, 2024 (see RFP). The RFP explaining what is requested, who is eligible to apply, and how to apply is attached and also available at https://masshireberkshire.com/about/governance-downloads/
All questions relating to the RFP must be emailed to Heather@MassHireBerkshire.com or mailed to WIOA Selection Committee, MassHire Berkshire Workforce Board, 75 South Church Street, Suite 355, Pittsfield, MA 01201. No phone calls or voice messages will be accepted.