The attached West Region Five Year Manufacturing Plan-2019-2023 Five Year Mfg Plan 11-19 has been developed by the MassHire Hampden, Franklin-Hampshire, and Berkshire Workforce Boards in collaboration and consultation with selected regional advanced manufacturing companies, educational institutions, and state and regional partners. The Plan is part of the Pioneer Valley Regional Planning and Blueprint Implementation process.
The Plan analyzed regional demand and supply data, assessed the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats inherent to the regional manufacturing training system, evaluated the present capacity and infrastructure of the regional secondary and post- secondary educational institutions, and developed practical solutions to attract, develop, and retain an appropriately sized workforce in five (5) priority occupational classifications.
The Plan provides the West Region advanced manufacturing partnership with valuable information in our decision making going forward. The regional advanced manufacturing industry is strong, and its future is very promising, however workforce attraction and retention continue to be critical issues that demand that we implement coordinated, sustainable, and bold short-term initiatives and develop long range strategies that will respond to this urgent business need.
The Five Year Manufacturing Plan can be viewed on the respective web sites of the West Region MassHire Workforce Boards. The Plan is also available on the web site of the Western Massachusetts Chapter of the National Tooling and Machining Association at
Thank you for allowing the West Region MassHire Workforce Boards to partner with you in this important work to strengthen the advanced manufacturing industry in the Region and across the Commonwealth.